Hello Brethren, the gathering together of brethren is very necessary, for the purpose of exhorting one another, observing one another and being provoked to good works. According to Acts chapter 20 verse 7, the early Christians, gathered and they broke bread and Paul preached to them even until midnight.
This tells us that exhortation is necessary and should take a longer duration in the church of God.
Humans are not God, we need to be constantly reminded of the commandments of God in order for us to know how to observe them. That's why we shouldn't neglect the gathering together of ourselves. Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to go into the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that they commanded them. So it is very important for Christian to gather to be exhorted upon, to learn the doctrines of Christ and to learn how to obey and and fulfill the commandment of Christ.
Hebrews 10:25 charge us not to neglect the gathering together of brethren. And in James 2:4, the Bible admonished us to observe one another to be provoked to doing good when we gather. So it is necessary for us to gather as brethren, and not to neglect the Church of God.
Many claimed to accept Jesus Christ, but neglect the church he preached. These are people who worship God only in their lips. The purpose of the church is to make known the manifold wisdom of God which he peoples in Christ Jesus. So the church was established for us to join, so we have to join so that we can be exerted upon so that we can observe one another and do good works to one another.
Another doctrine of Christ Jesus is singing. singing is part of the doctrines of Christ Jesus. When we gather, we should come with him books, we should come with exhortation, we should come with doctrine. We should come with tongues and interpretation. When we sing, we glorify God.
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