in MCGI Cares Hive4 years ago

Hello everyone

I am here to share what I learnt from today's mass indoctrination on "Baptism"

The Purpose of Baptism in the Christian Life
Christian denominations differ widely on their teachings about baptism.
Some faith groups believe baptism accomplishes the washing away of sin.
Others consider baptism a form of exorcism from evil spirits.
Still others teach that baptism is an important step of obedience in the believer’s life, yet only an acknowledgment of the salvation experience already accomplished.
The book of Deuteronomy 12:5 says"Out of the territory of all your tribes the LORD will choose the one place where the people are to come into his presence and worship him."
And God said he will watch over this house according to the book of II chronicle7:16 "
because I have chosen it and consecrated it as the place where I will be worshiped forever. I will watch over it and protect it for all time"
Which is the house?
According to 1timothy 3:15 it says"But if I delay, this letter will let you know how we should conduct ourselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth."
So, Church of God will remain for eternity.
The book of Ephesians 3:10 says "in order that at the present time, by means of the church, the angelic rulers and powers in the heavenly world might learn of his wisdom in all its different forms."

Then verse 11 make us to understand why God did that. Ephesians 3:11;
God did this according to his eternal purpose, which he achieved through Christ Jesus our Lord.

The church is the house of God. And in it ,my name may be there forever says God.
He is the first-born Son, who was raised from death, in order that he alone might have the first place in all things.One symbolism of church is one body with different members.
This church set in place is different than the one that Solomon built, it cannot be destroyed. This church is called house of God.
So brethren listen, there is only one body;The church is that one body." And he is the head of that body, the church".
So, in that one Church which is the body, one spirit flows according to saint Paul in the book of Ephesians 4:4"There is one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope to which God has called you".

Ephesians 4:5 says"There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
So that one true Baptism is in the body. That body is the church, which is where baptism must hold.
According to the book of 1corinthians 12:13, it says"In the same way, all of us, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether slaves or free, have been baptized into the one body by the same Spirit, and we have all been given the one Spirit to drink.
When you came to Christ, you were 'circumcised,' but not by a physical procedure. It was a spiritual procedure--the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead." Colossians 2:11-12"
"We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life, according to Romans 6:4.
So brethren, the only place where we can have our true Baptism is in the house of God and nowhere else.

Thanks for reading


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