Hello everyone.
I am here to contribute to today's Bible exposition question:What was Jesus Christ job?
When Jesus ruled,what was his occupation.
Let's read the book of mark 6:3"Is not this the carpenter,the son of Mary,the brother of James,and joses,and of Juda,and Simon?and are not his sister's here with us?And they were offended and him.
Instead of believing in him, most of the Jews were offended at him.
They judged him not by his teachings but by his family background.
So he is very much like other people.
They judged him like other people.
He was a carpenter because his foster father Joseph was a carpenter and he continued the trade of his father and when he was preaching Joseph was already dead.
Jesus lived a normal life like other people but in terms when he was preaching, performing miracles and all good things he has done as recorded in the Bible, people realised that he is not an ordinary man but during his 30years preaching he was just regarded as anybody else.
He is not a somebody,he is just like anybody else in the community.
Thank you.