Bible study held on November 29, via zoom

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

According to Bro Eli, God's will is that, as it is in heaven, it should be also on earth, Matthew 6:10.

As God reigns and prevail in heaven, we should reign and prevail here on earth, but sadly, a lot of people do not believe that God exists.
The Bible speaks of the truth before scientists understand it.
Many discoveries by scientists today have been recorded in the Bible over two thousand years ago.

Many believe that the earth is flat before the for satellite captured the earth to be round, before this discovery, it was already recorded in Isaiah 40:22, that it is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth; meaning that the earth is referred to be round in the Bible. This is a proof that the Bible speaks the truth before scientists discover it.

Cosmos means orderly arrangement, which the scientists called the universe, is already in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that God is not an author of confusion, which means that God created the universe in orderly manner.

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