Dios nos ofrece descanso. -- God offers us rest.

God has thought of absolutely EVERYTHING and with this commandment He reminds us of the day of rest.

God invites us to take a break after all the activities of the week such as study, work and more. He asks us that Saturday be the day in which we rest, the day in which we connect with our loved ones, above all that we connect with Him.

Saturday is very important and must be taken into account according to God's desire for His children, God fervently desires that we rest on it, that we rest in it fully trusting in His promise.

Remember the Sabbath day[a] to sanctify it.

Exodus 20:8

God bless you today and always!

Dios ha pensado absolutamente en TODO y con este mandamiento nos recuerda del día de descanso.

Dios nos invita a hacer un descanso después de todas las actividades de la semana como estudio, trabajo y mas. nos pide que el sabado sea ese día en que descansemos, el día que conectemos con nuestros seres queridos, sobretodo que nos conectemos con él.

El sábado es muy importante y a tener en cuenta conforme al deseo de Dios para sus hijos, Dios desea fervientemente que reposemos en él, que descansemos en él confiando plenamente es su promesa.

Acuérdate del día de reposo[a] para santificarlo.

Exodo 20:8

Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!


I kept my sabbath day holy
Thank you for the reminder