Today, Jesus invites us to know his love, his patience, showing us his desire to have full communion with us.
Jesus shows us that he is patient; he is calling and does not give up. Christ does not impose himself; he does not force us to accept him as our sufficient savior. Jesus is always near, even when we resist his presence.
When he says, "If anyone hears my voice..." God speaks to us in many ways. His word is everything; it is sufficient, and he also speaks to us through people, situations, songs, etc. It is only up to us whether we listen, whether we pay attention or not.
Let us remember that, according to Jewish custom, sharing food is a symbol of friendship and intimacy, and that is what Jesus wants with us; that is what he wants for our lives.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20
God bless you today and always!!!
Hoy Jesus nos invita a conocer su amor, su paciencia mostrándonos ese deseo de tener una comunión plena con nosotros.
Jesús nos muestra que es paciente, él esta llamando y no desiste. Cristo NO se impone, no nos obliga a que le aceptemos como suficiente salvador. Jesús siempre está cerca aun cuando nos resistimos a su presencia.
Cuando dice "Si alguno oye mi voz . . ." Dios nos habla de muchas maneras, su palabra es todo, es suficiente y también nos habla por personas, situaciones, canciones, etc. Solo depende de nosotros si escuchamos, si prestamos atención o no.
Recordemos que para la costumbre Judía compartir la comida es símbolo de amistad e intimidad y ESO es lo que Jesús quiere tener con nosotros, eso quiere para nuestras vidas.
He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo.
Apocalipsis 3:20