Mostremos la gloria de Dios. -- Let us show the glory of God.

Today God invites us to express and share with others the greatness of God, his wonders and everything he has done for us. God has blessed us and wants us not to keep everything to ourselves, he wants us to announce his wonders.

Let us not limit ourselves to speaking to just a few people, let us share the love of God with everyone we can. It is not just about talking, let us live the word of God so that others may believe.

Sing his glory among the nations,
And his wonders among all peoples.

1 Chronicles 16:24

God bless you today and always!

Hoy Dios nos invita a expresar y compartir con otros la grandeza de Dios, sus maravillas y todo lo que el ha hecho por nosotros, Dios nos ha bendecido y desea que no guardemos todo para nosotros, desea que anunciemos sus maravillas.

Nonos limitemos a solo hablar a pocas personas, compartamos el amor de Dios con todos quienes podamos, no se trata solo de hablar, vivamos la palabra de Dios para que otros crean.

Cantad entre las gentes su gloria,
Y en todos los pueblos sus maravillas.

1 Crónicas 16:24

Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!


Sharing the greatness of God and his work on our lives is also a form of testimony. When this testimony is shared Among brethrens, it encourages them to also remain steadfast. Remain blessed.