The Bible in Isaiah chapter one, verse 19 says if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. So in a true church, the Church of God, bredren should be led by the spirit of God to do certain things. It is not always precept upon precept, commandment upon commandment. The brethren in the Church of God should be led by the spirit of God to do certain things in the Church of God. And some of those things that the brethren should be led by the spirit of God to do, like giving of contributions, giving of offerings. In the Church of God, offerings are necessary. Contributions are necessary in the Church of God for the propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the spread of the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. So it is necessary for the payment of bills in the Church of God. And for other things to the brethren should be led by the spirit of God to give what they have, and they should give willingly, and they should give sacrificially. They should not be dictated upon. There should be no fixed charges. For offerings and contributions in the Church of God, as recorded in Second Corinthians Chapter 9, verse seven, everyone should give as he purpose in his heart, and should not be grudgingly. Everyone should be giving freely And cheerfully.
We also learned from scriptures that tithing Was for the children of Israel. And they were paying 10% of whatever they earn. So again it was a commandment for them, but now in the laws of Christ. Tithing is not among the laws of Christ. The offerings in the Church of God should be voluntary. Then we learned that Making of valves is also another voluntary act that the brethren should be led by the spirit of God to make. The brethren should not be detected upon on when to make viral and the kind of vow to make. They should do it on their own. When they want to receive something from God or for the many benefits that God is giving to them and they should make vow, and then they admonish always to redeem their vow, as Ecclesiastes chapter 5 four to five says. We should not make vow without redeeming. It is better we don't make vow than make without redeeming.
God is always so merciful and so kind to us, blessing us with long life, giving us our daily needs. And giving us all the many benefits. So we should always offer offerings of Thanksgiving to him. When we offer offerings of Thanksgiving to God, then we glorify God. Concerning our contributions in the Church of God, we should not make public sure of our contributions. We should let only God to know what we are offering to him And then that is when he will bless us openly.
I didn't hold any opposing views on this subject.
When we give offerings in the church of God, we shouldn't publicise it. We should give offerings and make vows willingly.
God be praised.
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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.