God does not want anyone to perish. He wants all men to be saved, according to first Timothy Chapter 2, verse 4. That is why he has a commandment for us to seek him. We should return from our wicked ways. We should return from seeking after our flesh. Doing the things of the flesh, keeping the traditions of our forefathers, we should return and seek God, and then he will save us. The natural man wants to have all the things in the world. He wants to have the positions in the world. That is the desire of an average man. But then God wants us to seek him. He wants us to serve him. He wants us to do his good pleasure. According to Philippians chapter 2 verse 13, it is God that works in us to do both to will and to do good. So if we feel the desire to seek God, it is God that is actually working in us. So God has a commandment for us to seek him, so we should seek him to do his good works.
According to Matthew Chapter 13 from Verse 3 to 8. A sower went out to sow seed. Some of his seeds fell by the wayside. Some of the seats fell among thorns, some fell on Stony grounds, and some fell on good grounds. And the parable was explained in Luke Chapter 8 from verse 11 that they seed there is the word of God. And there are four kinds of hearts in men. There are those kind of hearts that receive the word of God, and Satan steals the word of God from them. Some of those kind of hearts, that are those kind of hearts that receive the word of God, but the word of God are choked by the their ambitions, different ambitions they have in life and the word of God dies of. There are those kind of hearts that receive the word of God with joy, and then due to little troubles and temptations in life, the word of God does not bear fruit in them, but the last kind of heart received the word of God with joy. And then allows the word of God to manifest in them with patience.
Whichever kind of heart we find ourselves, God can change our hearts. Doctors of nowadays can change the literal heart, So God can change our heart and give us a new heart. According to Ezekiel chapter 36 from verse 26 to 28, God can give us a new heart and a new spirit that will keep his commandment. So God is able to give us a heart of flesh that will do his will. So we should return to God and seek him. God change soul who was a chief Sinner according to first Timothy. God changed him and he became the apostle of Christ Jesus. So we should return to God and seek him, and he will give us a new heart and a new spirit to do his will.
I didn't hold any opposing views on this subject.
God wants us to seek him and return to serve him. No matter how far we are, God can still welcome us back, so we should return to God.
God be praised.
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We as the children of God belongs to the good ground, we should not Satan steals the words of God from our hearts. We should always keep it in our heart and practice it on the daily basis so God will bless us
Thanks be to God