in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Humans are like vehicles that need maintenance. That is why the Bible admonishes us not to forsake the gathering together of brethren. We need to be reminded of the doctrines of Christ. That is why Christians have to gather, Like the early Christians, the Bible record in Act 20, verse 7, That they always gather, On the first day of the week to break bread And then they will have exhortation. At one occasion, Paul preached to them until midnight. So we should be meeting together as Christians, to observe one another, to be provoked to doing good works to one another. To find out who is lacking. To find out who is a destitute. To find out who needs food, to find out who needs to be clothed. To find out who is tasty. To find out who is not doing well for us To do good to the person. So the gathering together of brethren is very necessary. We should not believe the false prophet that say that the church is no longer necessary. We had to come together as Hebrew, chapter 10, verse 25 admonish us. We shouldn't neglect the assembling Of the brethren.

The greatest part of the Gathering together of Brethren is for the teaching of the Word of God. The word of God should be taught to brethren so that they can keep living a righteous life before God so that they can be provoked to doing good works. So when Brethren gathered, the word of God should be shared. So that brethren can examine themselves And ensure that they are still in the faith.

Another doctrine of Christ Jesus that we considered is singing. It is recorded in the Bible According to first Corinthians 14:26. That when the early Christians gathered, they all had a Psalm, which is a songbook. So when we come together as Christians, we should come with our songbook, To sing, to glorify God, Because singing Started even before the world began. When God was creating the whole world, the angels were singing glory to God. The multitude of angels sang praises to God as recorded in Luke 213. And also when Jesus Christ was born, the Angels sang praises to God. So when Christians gathered, they should come with a sign, with a doctrine, with tongue with interpretation, To sing glory to God, to observe one another, to be provoked or doing good works, and to exhort them self With the word of God.

I didn't hold any opposing views on this subject.

Christians should gather to study the word of God and to observe each other to be provoked to doing good to one another.

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Humans are like vehicles that need maintenance. That is why the Bible admonishes us not to forsake the gathering together of brethren.

The reason we are tireless to remind our brethren to join our meeting so we can be sustain by the words of God.

May God bless us