Salt is good. It is used for flavouring or food for cooking, for seasoning. It can be used to preserve canned food. The Bible says assault is good and that refers to salts that has not been ionized by scientist to add other chemicals to it. The salt is very good for humans. Since it is used for flavoring and we as the Bible referred that Christians are the salts of the earth, they are supposed to flavour the Earth. In Mark Chapter 9 verse 50, the Bible says, salts is good. Salts give taste to food. And the true salts come from the sea. This is what the Bible referred to as salt that is good. Salt contains different minerals, and it is minerals from souls that enables our bodies to absorb vitamins.
We cannot fulfill the laws of Christ if we do not understand it. So it is important for us to understand the laws of Christ in order to fulfill it. The Bible says that the laws of Christ is holy, is good and is just. When Jesus Christ wanted to ascend to heaven, he admonished his disciples to go and teach the Gentiles everyone in the world, all that he commanded them, and baptizing them in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit. So we are to obey the laws of Christ. We are to carry out all the commandments that he has commanded us to carry out, that is how we can fulfill the law, because not the hearers are justified but, those that do the law, are the ones that are justified. The Bible says we should bear one another's burden in order to fulfill their laws, so we need to understand the law in order to fulfill it.
Should we separate from our relative because of disagreement?
We should not separate from our relative because of disagreements that we should take steps to ensure that peace reign. The Bible say blessed are the peacemakers. So we should always seek for peace and ensure it. We should pursue peace with all men. So as to draw them to God. Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 15, the Bible says. That we should tell our brothers fault to him in secret. So we should call our brothers attention to what they have done wrong and then ensure that they get to understand, so that we can draw them to God. We shouldn't keep malice or keep distance from our brothers. We should ensure that we pursue peace so as to gain them to Christ. We should forgive so that God can forgive us. And we should make peace, so that we can be called the children of God. The principle of God is that he forgives those who forgives fellow men. He has compassion on those who have compassion on fellow men. So we should do good, our fellow men, in order to receive the goodness of God.
I don't have any contrary view on this teaching
We should understand the laws of Christ in order to fulfill it. We should bear one another's burdens to fulfill the laws of God.
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We have to fulfill the laws of God indeed