God does not listen to idol worshippers because he has already included it in his commandments. Idols are fake gods that people especially unbelievers worship and this is completely disregarding in the bible. Idol worshippers end up in death and they perish in hell with their agents. So, idol worshipping is not advisable for geniune christian. Christian should worship the only God who created heaven and earth. He only shall we serve.
Exodus 20:4-5, the scripture says do not worship or serve idols of any kind, because i, the lord, am your God.
This part of the bible is talking about the fact that God is the only geniune God you can serve. All other gods are sinking sand. I use to think about something that if the lord Jesus Christ come to take his people after his second coming where will idol worshippers be, who will take them, they would surely go to hell with their agents and perish there. So, we have to make God our only source of worship and we shall rejoice in the end.
God will never listen to idol worshippers because he thinks they have found their own god, so why should he listen to them and that cause calamity and burdens to them. Again, it is not possible to worship two God worship one God and for me I would always serve our lord God and him only shall i serve. Other scriptures in the bible like
Isaiah 45:20 , Gather together and come, assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save.
So, in excess, what I am trying to pass across through this article is that God does not listen to idol worshippers so does worshipping idols should stop and focus on God if they want him to listen to them. Thank you.