Below are my take home lessons from the teachings of Brother Eli during today’s meeting.
We are admonished not to believe everything we are told or not to believe every spirit but we are told to make sure we prove one thing to another to find out what they are teaching is of GOD.
There are so many false prophets right from the days of the apostles and as a result we are to be watchful and observant.
It is paramount for us to stay and adhere to the doctrines of our LORD JESUS because he is the only one authorized by GOD to teach us.
We should bear in mind that what the false prophets preach is not of GOD and its not written in the Bible.
The bible has a standard and it is what we must follow.
There are somany people who have different beliefs or opinions or perceptions about who CHRIST is.
We should lay one thing to another to find out the account or the source,that is what we should do when we come across the false informations from the false prophets so that we dont get misled.
Our LORD GOD has commanded us to prove all things and hold fast that which is good and we should also run away from all appearances of evil and cleave to that which is good.
If we don’t compare or lay things to one another,in most cases we wont be able to find out which is of GOD or not and that is why we must have a Bible within our reach at all times as Christians.
In the times of needs or problems,it is GOD only we should run to.
Praying is a commandment of JESUS CHRIST.
There so many people who pray and their prayers are in vain because they do not do the will of GOD and also GOD doesn’t listen to the prayers of a sinner but GOD only listens or hears the prayers of the righteous.
The prayers of a wicked person is an abomination unto GOD and that person wastes time praying because GOD wont grant a person’s request.
There are things we must do for our prayers to be granted or answered by GOD such as not using vain repetitions when we pray because GOD already knows what we need before we even make a request of HIM.
I learnt that the usage of the rosary is not a doctrine of JESUS CHRIST because the rosary was discovered years after the death of JESUS CHRIST and his disciples.
I learnt that before we ask ,GOD hears .
GOD is the great creator in the great somewhere who hears every letter in the word of our prayers.
Praying repetitively is forbidden by CHRIST.
When we pray,we should also be ready to hear from GOD and we should not be in a haste or being rash with our own mouth when we pray to GOD and our words should be as few as possible and conscise and straight to the point.
We should only ask for what we need.
Prayer is done in a private way and it is not to show off and infact it is termed as a private business or matter between us and GOD