I learnt that when we want to pray or fast that as husbands and wives we should abstain from sexual activities at an agreed period of time.
Praying can do a great deal in our lives.
I learnt that fasting and prayer are done together and fasting and prayer is done when one need speedy response from GOD and if we want GOD to listen to our prayers during our fasting and prayer sessions,we should forgive those who have wronged us and also let those who owe us a debt to go free and als stay away from any form of evil.
We must forgive our debtors just as CHRIST has forgiven us our debts.
When we fast and pray,we should give out the food that we wont be eating to those who are hungry that we know and those we come across in our neighborhood because when we fast and pray we wont be needing those food.
If we all observe and obey the guidelines put in place by GOD during our time of fasting and prayer,all our prayers will be answered.
Fasting is also backed up by science because fasting can make our immunity stronger and helps to regenerate our immune systems.
Fasting according to science can flip a regenerative switch in the body.
Fasting is very effective in our lives and during the time of CHRIST,He said that when we fast,we should not be as hypocrites that would make the whole know that they are fasting and that fasting and prayer is a personal thing and it is between us and GOD.
I learnt that married couples should not deprive themselves from each other because they both have full rights and access to their bodies but in the time of fasting and prayer it’s only reasonable for a married couple to agree for a period of time that the fasting will last so that they can abstain from any sexual activity.
This is done so that their entire body will be a part of the fasting and prayer.
It is prohibited in the Bible that the wife should not show her body to others or dress inappropriately because her body only belongs to her husband and the Bible told us that marriage is bed undefiled
I learnt that anyone who lustfully after any woman has committed an adultery with her already in his heart.
I learnt that most women have taken up the habit of inappropriate dressing and they have made their bodies to look like a public eatery where anyone can go in and eat as they like.
Husbands are to make sure they give honor to their wives because they are the weaker vessels and so that the prayers of the husband wont be hindered.
I learnt that as long as a woman is in her monthly period of menstruation,her husband should not in any way make sexual advances or contacts towards her because it is prohibited by GOD.
Any man who turns his wife into a punching bag will never have his prayers or requests granted.
A must has the obligation to understand his wife and respect and love her.
When husband and wife dwells together according to knowledge,there is peace and love in that marriage and their prayers get speedy answers.
As the church is subject to CHRIST,so also should the wives subject to their husbands.
Just as CHRIST is the head of the church,so also the husband the head of the wife.
It is prohibited for a woman to be the head of the home or over her husband irrespective of the social status ot financial status.
It is the duty and obligation of a husband to make sure he provides for his family but if a man fails to provide for his family,the Bible refers him to as one who is worse than an infidel or an unbeliever.
Part of the obligation of a Christian is to provide for his family.
A woman has to make sure her hair is covered while praying or in the congregation of the children of GOD because her hair is glory and a covering unto her head and a man must no have his head covered.
Balancing religious beliefs with the scientific backing of fasting's benefits showcases a holistic view. The emphasis on forgiveness, respect in relationships, and the sanctity of marital bonds speaks volumes about the depth of spiritual teachings.
God bless you brother Peter