We should always do good to all and not be an evil person or evil doer.
I learnt that if we can establish good relationships with our enemies,it will be a very good thing.
If we can do good to anyone who does evil to us,we can as well do even more good to those who are doing good back to us.
We all have an obligation from GOD to do good to all men according to the book of philipians 2 vs 15
Our aim of doing good to others is to be as light unto them.
I learnt that wives are to be in subjection to their husbands.
God gave us the obligation to be the light to the world so that men will learn and know that GODA HIMSELF is the only true GOD.
I learnt that men will glorify GOD through our good works unto them.
Our lights should shine before men so that they will glorify GOD in heaven.
We should put to use the teachings of JESUS CHRIST
I learnt that if anyone refuses to change from his wicked aways after the first and second admonitions,he or she should be rejected from the church.
I learnt that heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents more than alot of righteous persons who have already found the truth in CHRIST.
I learnt that when we convert or persuade an evil person to becoming a christian and a righteous person,God is pleased with us.
Our obligation is to win the sinners to GOD because whoever wins souls to GOD is a wise person.
If we have the intention of joining the church,we should be good in heart.
I learnt that we should not use material possessions or things to lure people into becoming our church members but let our good works speak for us.
There are fake prophets who deceive men to be a part of their gatherings we should be aware of that.
I learnt that it is only the doctrine from the Bible is the only doctrine we should receive and accept in totality.
We were told that we should compare one thing to another to find out the reason behind any thing we are told so that we wont be misled by false prophets.
We should always refer to the Bible to check whether what we are being told is in the Bible or not so that we wont be enticed into believing that is not of GOD.
I learnt that there are preachers or prophets who are workers of hell or are ministers of the devil and thses prophets pretend to have GOD in their mouths but are devilish on their insides.
Brother it is good if we can also include the verses mentioned by brother Eli