Being jealousy is an option and it is the devil of the mind, that's to say is generated due to the bad influence originated from evil taught as 1 John 3:19 said, So therefore when we mention jealousy of the mind, entails that it doesn't have anything good thing to align with even the scripture emphasis at it when we talk about bitterness of the mind, rage slander, anger and malice are made known in Ephesians 4:3 The negative state of the mind is initiated from jealousy of the mind, the above scripture warns the Christians that we are mainly to be genuine minded to ride off from this, because it can compromise our faith.
According to James 3:14-16 really made it clear, the act of hiding grudges and pretending that everything is good is total bad and unacceptable, this day we can actually see a lot of people claiming to be whatsoever the are with intention which has to do with harboring evil taught with that of selfish ambitious because the above verse condemn it as unspiritual and demonic doings, is very clear and plain that in any gathering you observe jealousy there is always evil operation and the devil's workers there. As true believers we are not mainly to give room for such because it is self destruction rather we ought to embrace harmony and that of humanity to one another.
Now we all know the composite that made up jealous of the mind we have to obey what the book of 1 Corinthians 12:20 said, by not comparing ourselves to one, for me I will said that everyone are not called and destined for the same mission on earth, is very clear as our faces are difference the same to our our individual missions are, we ought not to feel inferior to others due to our individual ability rather to keep up with your mission that God sent you to do on earth, but one thing have to be noted the ability of of unique significance in what we do, everyone ought to be unique and stop imitating others that result to jealous of the mind.
1 Peter 5:9 remember us that at the state of facing challenges when it seem like things are not moving as it suppose to, this verse let us know that's when we do experience such, flashing back with those you started with us that are ahead of us can be tempting, gives pace and room for jealous of the mind to germinate, rather the above verse let us know that with the state of the mind we ought to be steadfast in our faith with God.
According to the scripture on Roman 12:19 we are not meant to revenge in anything, because jealous of the mind for another is the taproot of revenge, with that being said this verse let us know that vengeance is of the Lord our God but not main for us to do so, this verse further says that the consequences of sin await for anyone that goes against the commandments of God. So brethren is till the right time to practice what Roman 7:12 said regards to keeping the commandments of God holy and because being righteous is good and it pays off well.
• We are not main to be comparing ourselves to one another for any reason because if we do we are inviting the host of jealous of the mind, rather we should be contemptuous with what we have.
• We are taught that selfish ambition and desire can lead to self destruction of the mind which leads to sin that causes compromised faith, hence we should do away with self harboring of evil taught.
• We ought to remain steadfast instead of calling for jealousy of the mind that causes anger for destruction which is one of the tools of the devils to flag down the believers faith.
• Instead of being Jealous that lead to being harmful we ought to be kind and support one another in all we do as true believer in other to eliminate the state of being jealous and we ought to be healing to others
• lastly the book of Exodus 34:14 clear us that there is righteous jealousy and that of negative jealousy that comes from envy from selfish desire.
The insight of today's thanksgiving teaching is pointing at the significance of envy, hence with the scriptural quotation all condemns the jealousy of the mind except Exodus 34:4 where the difference between the righteous jealousy and negative jealousy is made clear. As true believers we ought to be contemptuous with what we have and remain steadfast in the time challenges and controversial thoughts of the mind. That's to say we have to be unique in our various missions and appreciate our ability towards our commitment in all we do in order to remain who we are in faith.
The screenshot is from the zoom meeting
And the linebreaker is created by me
Very well said. The truth is that every one of us are created in a unique way and there is no need for us to compare ourselves with each other as every body is unique
Yes... it will be selfish approach for anyone to start imitation his neighbourhood