Hello brethren
According to Bro Eli, "Spiritually, we have financial obligations to people who are needful of our help".
Our lord Jesus Christ while on earth was preaching love. He admonished his disciples to give to those who ask of help, according to Matthew 5:42.
Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
So Christ Jesus taught us to be cheerful givers. Even to those who are going to borrow from us, we should give. He taught us not to discriminate, but give to everyone, whether our relative, friends or enemy.
It is part of our obligation as Christians to look into the welfare of our brethren. We have to be compassionate wholeheartedly with all the innermost sentiments of our heart. If we don't, then there's no love of God in us. So we have obligation to people to whom we do not owe anything but we owe our lives to God. It is our God, our Maker, who gives us this obligation for Him to have a hand in reaching out for the poor. We will serve as hands of God, giving them their necessities, their needs, whenever they need it. In fact, in the Church of the Bible, no one will die of hunger.
In the true church of God, no member should be left to die of begging or a disease.
It is the obligation of the church to financially and spiritually support every brother in faith. In every place where the Church of God exists, her obligation as Christians is to look into the welfare of brethren.
True religion has an obligation of taking care of orphans, widows and needy. It is part of the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why, Speaking of financial obligations, we have financial obligations not only to those people we are indebted to.
Psalms 37:21
The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.
The Bible charges us to pay back anytime we borrow. It is the wicked that doesn't pay back when he borrows.
We are also advised not to owe anything to anyone.
Romans 13:7
Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
We are not prohibited to borrow, but when we borrow, we shouldn't borrow for too long, but to pay back. If you owe, you have to pay. So that you will not owe anyone anything but to love one another, for he that loved another had fulfilled the law.
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Thanks for your time
One of the doctrines of Christ is for us to show love to our neighbors and even our enemies.