Hello Brethren!
If we must enjoy God's favour, then we need to be obedience to his will. Nothing guarantees one's protection, preservation and general well-being, than following the will of God for one's life. The will of God is for our profiting. To follow God's will, we need to love God. Jesus said that he that keeps his commandments is he that loves him.
From the lesson, Bro Eli noted that following God's commandments leads to being in God's favour and receiving His guidance and love.
It is through the commandments of God, that we can get to understand his will for us. The will of God for us a written in the Bible.
From Ecclesiastes 12:13, the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments.
In God's commandments are his will for us, by obeying his will is when we will come under is care and love. We would find joy in obeying God's will and having His law within our hearts. We don't have any other purpose than to fulfill the purpose of God for our lives.
Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:20 instructed his disciples to teach others to observe all that he commanded them. His commandments are in the new testament of the holy scriptures. When we observe the commandments of Christ, he has promised to be with us till the end of the age. So following God's commandments is being in his favour and Christ Jesus dwelling with us, to guide us in our affairs.
Praying along or meditation would not guarantee our entry into heaven, we must be the doers of God's commandments.
Matthew 7:21,
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
So we should back our faith with action, which is obeying his commandments. For us to keep God's commandments, we must love God, as recorded in John 14:23
Jesus answered and said to him, 'If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him.
So for us to be guided by God, we must keep his commandments, and to keep his commandments, we must dwell in his love.
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Thanks for your time
"In God's commandments are his will for us, by obeying his will is when we will come under is care and love. We would find joy in obeying God's will and having His law within our hearts. We don't have any other purpose than to fulfill the purpose of God for our lives."
Obedience is also being submissive to God's word and following his commandments as given. In this way, God helps us in all spheres of life.
That's it. Thanks for coming around