What do natural disasters tell us? Part 1

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Hello brethren

In the beginning, God made the earth perfect without disasters. Every was just perfect and God saw that everything was good. But as sins enter the world, disasters set in.

In the time of Noah, there was a global flood, caused by God did to the evil of men at that time. Men were so evil, there was all forms of immorality and disobedience to God's commandments. These caused God to send rain which caused flood to sweep are humanity apart from Noah's family who were upright before God.

So flood is a disaster too. It could be caused to man, which is man made, it can be a natural disaster, cause by nature. Flood disaster can sweet an entire village. There could be dam break due to poor construction. Some deliberate actions of men who are wicked. Many intentionally cause disasters on others.
However, the flood during Noah's time was not caused by Dam break, but God who's anger was Kindle on men due to their evil. People in Noah's time were so evil, and the Bible says that only Noah was found upright.

Genesis 7:11

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

These disasters are insinuated by humans transgressions. The windows of heaven were opened pouring out rains the broke the fountain of the great deep.

According to genesis 6, Noah was called by God and was ordered to prepare an arc for the salvation of himself and his family, because God wanted to bring an end to that wicked generation.

However, before that time, the earth was in perfect condition, due to sins and rebellion against God, God destroyed the earth. There would be no disasters if men followed the leading of God. There are different natural disasters, like earthquakes, wildfire, floods, etc. Many of these are man made.

So what do natural disasters tell us?
Natural disasters tell us that we have gone astray. We have left the ordinances of God. We are taking a path that is leading us far from God.
However, if we can return to God, he will avert all disasters.

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Thanks for your time


That's is good message, i side with you for most disasters come upon us due to our Evil act.

That's it. Thanks for coming around

I feel natural disasters is God warning us, telling us to get back on the right track.

That's it. Thanks for coming around

Natural disasters remind us of the consequences of straying from God's path. By returning to His guidance, we can work towards a world with fewer disasters and seek His protection in times of adversity.

Thanks be to God @kufre

That's true. Thanks for coming around

Thanks for sharing with us.

Thanks for coming around