I want to share all I learned during the program
I learned that we being in Christ has made us to be a new creature, old things are gone and all things have become new. So we should live a new life in Christ Jesus.( 2 Cor 5 vs 15)
Act 15 vs 19-29
I also learned that there are two kinds of sin in the bible, sin unto death and sin not unto death. Sin that are into death are not forgivable but sin that are not unto death are forgivable, it is said that when one sin unto death, the brethren should gather to pray for him/her and will be forgiven but if it is sin unto death, no prayer
According to bible, we were made to understand the things to abstain from that If we intentionally do them, theirs no forgiveness for them, and they're
1). ABSTAINING FROM FOOD OFFERED TO IDOLS; ( psalm 115 vs 4-8) makes us understand that idols are man hand made work, they have mouth but speaks not , has ears nose but not functioning, but still some people worship them, so even worship animals, but theirs a law that says we should never worship them not to talk of eating food offers to them, it defiles the body and souls and even kills our conscience, so we shouldd never partake of any food offers to them
2). EATING BLOOD; ( Lev 17 vs 10) I learned that eating blood is prohibited in the bible, naturally its not even good, it is better to add all kinds of beneficial animal organ to food and will even benefit the body than eating blood.
Blood is sacred and it is used for the remission of sin
Our Lord Jesus Christ purchase the church with His blood. The life of a flesh is in the blood and it hass been given to us upon the cross, so we should never in anyway taste blood
3). THINGS STRANGLED; ( Lev 17 vs 13) things strangled are animals that died on their own without been killed, firstly no one knows the diseases that kills them so scientifically its not good for the health and now the bible has made it clear that any animal that will be killed, the blood should be poured out in the ground and should be covered with sand, so any animal that the blood wasn't pored out is abominable to usand should be forbidden
4). FORNICATION; ( 1 Cor 6 vs 18-19 ) made us understand that we should flee from fornication, every sin that a man do is without the body, but anyone that commit fornication has sinned against his own body because our body is the temple of Holy Ghost, we are of God and not of our own.
And also we should not fornicate by visiting any religion gathering that will defile the thought of Christ in us, that is also fornication
5). BLASPHEMING; Which is the speaking against the holy spirit has no forgiveness too, so we should control our tongue and not to blaspheme against the name of the Lord
Thanks be to God
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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.