in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

I want to share the important points I learned from God's words discussed in yesterday's prayer meeting by BRO DANIEL RAZON

I learn that the only thing that can give us happiness is the guide in the doctrine, if we are able to obey the law, we will be happy but if we didn't obey the law we will live in regret because the enemy will offer it comfort instead by making you get addicted to bad things like drugs and alcohol which will always be a temporary happiness, after taking them, your sorrow will come back again

I learn that we should never take entertainment that is against the doctrine of God, we should never find pleasure in doing evil, entertainment from the enemy will take us away from the righteousness of God

I learn that there will be tribulations in these world but no matter what we are going through, we would always be delighted in the word of God and he will give us our heart desires ( psalm 37 vs 4 )
When we don't ask from him, he gives us, how much more if we ask from him, as long as we stood by the word, he will always be by our side.
He promise to give us according to our ways (jer 17 vs 9)

I learn also that, we should not do evil for evil, we should always comfort ourselves, some enemies will want just try us so they can justify us, we shouldn't fall into there trap,
We should always find comfort and delight in the word of God and for that to happen we need the help of God and Jesus Christ and the of holy spirit to help in reminding us of the word of God and we need ourselves needs to keep the word in us and that's by meditation in the word day and night ( psalm 1 vs 2 ) , by so doing our ways will be prosperous
She went meditate in the word, we will not feel hopeless in our life

I learn also that, God knows all we wanted and will give us, but if we should ask and still haven't gotten what we asked for, we should always thanks him because he's the only one that knows all. If what you ask is god for you, he will give and if not good for us, wouldn't give.

My previous believe is comforting myself with emotional books and seeking advice from people and speaks angrily when depressed, thanks be to God i now know the truth


  • I now believe that my comfort should always be in the law of the Lord,

  • I should never allow the devil to provoke me by my word

  • Whenever I ask from God and didn't receive, I should always thank God because he knows all and understands all, he will always give whats best for me

  • And I will always meditate in the word day and night as it will be my guide

Thanks be to God

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.