I want share the point I learned from the program thought by BRO DANIEL RAZON
Dan 32 vs 39; I learned that it is only God that gives life's, no one can be saved from God not to be given rest, no amount of effort can stop being layed to rest, the decision is in him no matter what the doctor will do. Killing and saving life's is His decision, even if no one cares for one, God can still make you survive likewise no amount of effort can save you from death when he says its time.
If one is saved we should that God and not the effort behind it because even without illness God can still kill, so stop boasting of your strength, you cannot add a cubit to your life ( 1 Tim 5 vs 8 ),so we shouldn't take the praise that belongs to God.
Mat 7 vs 11; I also learn that God is so concern about us, if evil people knows how to give the best for their children, how much more our good father in heaven, Our father in heaven gives the best for to his children.
If you ask from him and he hasn't given you, he knew all thing, what you asked might not be good for you, so he wouldn't give (James 4 vs 3). Some has money but they use it for bad thing, it didn't come from God, they're shall be sent dilutions to believe what isn't true, they're are of their father the devil ( john 8 vs 44)
The father in heaven knows and will always give what's best for his children.
I also learned that their are two kinds of joy; joy of obeying the law of God and Joy from disobedience to the law of God
For we to have Joy and peace in our heart, we need to keep the word of God in our heart which is the only way of bearing good fruit
The parables in Luk 8 vs 11-15, makes us understand that it is only the heart that keeps the words of God that bears good fruit
Mat 5 vs 14-16; I learned also that we are the light of the world which cannot be hidden, the word the we hear is the light and our heart is the candlestick, so when we keep the word in our heart which is the right place to be, then we will shine not to ourselves but the our environment and neighbors too.
We should let our light do shine that they may see the good work in us and glorify our father in heaven,
John 13 vs 34-35; And the law we should keep in our heart is to Love one another as He has loved us, by that they will know we are the disciples of God. The light will shine to everyone and those that sees the light will enter and go to the direction of the light
I learned that we should continue holding and walking in the light.
I never understood the whole passage mentioned here as it was thought today since, my formal belief is that we are the light of the world, which is to just separate ourselves from those that are not working in the light of God, but now I understood the difference between the candlestick, light and the law of God
I now know that the candlestick is the heart and the light is the word of God, the light should be place in the right position which is on the candlestick, The word should be kept in our heart by keeping the law of God which is to love everyone as he has loved us,by that our light will shine to others and guide them to the path of light
Thanks be to God
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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.