Bible study Via Zoom held on the 3-12-2022

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

A million thanks to God for yet another opportunity in his presence with brother Elisoriano.

I will like to share with you some of the few lessons I learnt from our Bible study held today been the 3rd of January,2022 by brother Eli.

Below is a short video of what I learnt

Here👇 are some of the important points I learnt from God's word discussed in the Zoom meeting

We were meant to understand that all what has been foreseen by God and was written in the bible for over 5000 years ago are what is happening now.

Daniel 12:4 it is at the end time that the sealed book will be open. and what is this seal book? The bible . The sign that the has come is when science and knowledge increased.

We were meant to understand that,many shall run to and fro. Looking for a place that is save where there is non. The only save place is in the household of God which is the ground and Piller of truth.

Daniel 12 :9-10 when the end time comes, many will be purified and made white tried that is the work of God that is the work if God that will be executed in the time of the end.

In the End time, God will purify the his own but there are some forces that will be with holding the work of God.

Judas 1:14-15 it was prophecied by Daniel that in the end time,the wickedness of men shall increase.

Daniel 12:3 The wise men that will understand will bring people closer to God. While the evil men will continue doing their wickedness.

Brethren we are now under the mercy of God because we have no where to run to. The wicked keep doing wicked things is only God that can save us.

This is the sign that we are in the end time because it has already been foretold in the bible by God.

Isaiah 42:9 There is no book that can tell us what will happen in the end time apart from the Bible. So we should only believe the bible because is the only one that will tell us what will happen before and after . Here is the proof in the book of

John 13:19 what God tells in the bible will take place in due time so we should believe it.

**My old believe that was improved by listening to the zoom my was **

I never knew that God also has a work to execute in the time of end like him purifying us.

How the study has affected me and make me a better person

The study has helped me to remember that we are in the end time and all these things happening is a sign of end time. The study helped me to understand that all what was foreseen by God and was written down in the bible shall not pass away but be for filled.

Thanks be to God!

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