Lessons from the MCGI cares program held on zoom on the 07/04/2022

There are many countries that have accepted gay, lesbian and other forms of homosexuality into their society. The gay gene is a mint according to genetics, environment can also contribute to someone being gay, lesbian and bisexual, God is the one who created all men including gay and lesbian, what is most important is to do good to them just as God commanded in the bible. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual are also created by God because God created all men and he wants everybody to be save and have knowledge of the truth. It is necessary we obey Gods commandment on earth. We have examples showed to us on the program when MCGI cares hit the street some people believe Gay and lesbian have salvation because they are created by God, one of them says she will be happy if she have gay son and a lesbian daughter. Some of them says they will be save because God loves everybody. Bro Eli address this by saying the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. He said God want all men to be save and to have knowledge of the truth, he also said God wants the gays , lesbians and bisexual to be save.
God recommend us to choose life in his word, God said we should choose what is good. God created men in his own image and God also created us to love, God love does not discriminate, God is the only one that can accept us wholeheartedly. We were also showed story of Faith on the MCGI cares program.
There is no argument about being gay or lesbian, you can not change a gay man or a lesbian woman because that is the way God created them but they can be save by God if they obey his commandments.
A video was also shown to us about a woman and her child of how they were assisted with money during the pandemic. We were told to always choose good and do good to others.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.