God Is Not Far From Us. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive9 days ago

God is always near to us. He is not far from us. Some old Acapella tunes says God is standing by, so hush, don't you worry, don't cry. Another song writer says, if you used to be with Jesus and you feel far away from him, guess who moved, guess who moved.

This means that God is never far away from us. We are the ones who sometimes move away from where God is waiting for us.

We move away when we ignore the calls of God's salvation. When we choose our way against God’s will, we are moving away. We move away when we refuse to obey the commandments of God, we are moving away from God. We move away when we think that we don't need God in our lives. Our actions and our decisions determine whether we are in tuned with God or not.

God is waiting for you. God is waiting for us. As we are learning from the teachings of the Bible, let us obey God and return back to Him.


Gid is always near us