Passing Our Faith To Our Children. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 days ago

There are many inheritance packages which parents leave behind for their children. It is an expression of love for parents to labour and leave inheritance for their children. Many fathers are labouring hard to leave something for their children. Mothers are not left behind. We all have that love to build a wealth of inheritance for our descendance.

The unanswered questions in the background to the whole scenerior is that we don't look back to evaluate the real value of what we think that we are living for our children. If we are only concerned with material possessions then we have forgotten the most valuable aspect of life. Houses and riches will end one day. Material possessions will leave our lives one day. What will we possess in eternity?

Passing our faith to our children is the most important thing to do. We should try our best to ensure that the souls of our children are saved. We should bring them to listen to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We should show them the way of truth. We should teach them the Bible.


Pass on faith to our children is the biggest treasure you can gift them

Yes sister, you are right