What pleases God! We should live our lives to bring pleasure to God. We can make our lives to please God. God created us so that we should bring to Him. It is for His pleasure that we survived. Everyone of us has an obligation to please God in our lives. When we do the things that pleases God, then we are giving him glory. When we put our trust in God then we are going to please Him.
There are also those things which do not please God. We should avoid the things that do not please God. We should not continue in sin. Those who continually disobey God's commandments are not bringing Him pleasure anywhere. Those who refuse to worship God are not giving Him pleasure. Those who are living in sin are not giving Him pleasure. We should stop doing those things that does not please God
Jesus Christ showed us the way to please God. He alone please God in all things. When we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ we also will bring pleasure to God. When we obey the doctrines of Jesus Christ we will be able to give God pleasure.
Living in holiness and doing good to others please God