Hebrews 9:27 (KJV) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Judgement is coming! Why do people die? The answer to this all important question is that judgement is coming. Judgement is waiting for all of us. No one will escape the judgement. As every man has appointment with death so, we all have appointments with judgement. There's judgement waiting broadly at the end of our journey for us to answer. They other question which we are not taking into consideration is: Are you prepared for the judgement?
The life which we are living is not our own. One day, that live will be taken away from us. None of us knows when his own life will be taken. But we all can agree that one day, this life will be taken from us. That appointment with death is inevitable. There is no difference whether a person will died or whether his own end is when the Lord Jesus Christ shall return. The fact remains that one the we will lose the life that we are boasting of today.
Are you prepared for the judgement? The wisest way to prepare for the judgement is to accept Jesus Christ. Why should you accept Jesus Christ and his doctrines? Because only Jesus knows the way to God. There is no other way to heaven apart from the way Jesus Christ showed us. So, accepting Him and His teachings is the best and only way to prepare for the judgement.