Why Do The Well Educated People Not Understand The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive15 days ago

The wisdom of this world cannot understand the mysteries of God. The wisdom of God foolishness before those who are perishing. They are perishing because they cannot understand what will make them saved. They are blind and cannot see the light. So, to them the preaching of the cross is foolishness.

God choose the despised things of this world to manifest His glory. He pick those that men can't reckon with and reveal the mysteries of His kingdom to them. We are not privileged to understand the mysteries of God because we are educated. But we are privileged because He has chosen to make known His mysteries to us.

To some of the learned and the unlearned, the mysteries of God are hidden unto them. The Bible appear to such people as a sealed document. They cannot understand what is the knowledge of God. This is because the wisdom of this world cannot understand what the Bible says. The Bible is not a book of science or philosophy. It is the truth. Therefore, understanding it's precepts is not what carnal men can understand.

To understand that which is contained in the Bible, one needs the help of the Holy Spirit. It is the power of God’s spirit that can reveal to us the hidden mysteries of the Bible.