I joined your Community and will share my research into the Divinity of Jesus the Nazarene ...
Called Yeshua ha Notzri and Bar AnIsh-NaAbe) in Israel in those days.
In Canada the indigenous People (First People) are called Anishinaabe.....
I joined your Community and will share my research into the Divinity of Jesus the Nazarene ...
Called Yeshua ha Notzri and Bar AnIsh-NaAbe) in Israel in those days.
In Canada the indigenous People (First People) are called Anishinaabe.....
Your spam is really fucking annoying @hiroyamagishi aka @overall-servant aka @olaf123 and your spam-bot army. You spam everybody, we ask you to stop, you refuse to, We downvote you, you downvote us. This is not what Jesus would do with his Steem account.