Zoom Bible Exposition 1-12-2021

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Thanks be to God, Good day my fellow Brethren in Christ, i will like to share with us what I learnt from today Bible Exposition Service held on 01/12/2021 by Brother ELI SERINO.

Below is a short video of what I understood

There was different question asked by brothers ...

  1. Brother ELI teaching was for is to submit our self to God , we should draw nearer to God in all our doings and we should also devote quality time for God and that in return God will also give us time.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

  1. Another is thing he talked about self control, that we should learn how to control our self.

  2. What is the view of Bible about tithes and offerings,
    brother ELI made

us to understand that tithes and offering is a doctrine practice in the old testament, old believe that demand compulsory tithes, but in the new

testament doctrine, and present and modern time, tithes and offering is not compulsory, that all the present modern churches ask I ng their

member fro compulsory 10% from their earning or income is wrong, that tithes and offering is voluntarily, it should be willingness, that nobody should be force to pay.

  1. The purpose and a gender why the earth was created by God, brother ELI also made us to understand that purpose and plan of earth creation is for dwelling of mankind to explored

  2. Question from a brother in Lucena city. What is brother Eli believe or opinion on of family planning?

Brother start by saying abortion is prohibited by God, the the pile and contrasetics that woman use is wrong and that is not the will of God, also

make g to understand that family planning is formed and created by man, which is not the plan and doctrine of the church and God, they are other ways of not getting pregnant when the person is not ready.

           Piles and contraceptive bring about abnormalities in children, when the person is ready to start giving birth, deformity of different

forms, Brother ELI so made us to understand the mestra cycle in which is save. And so that pils is no in the Bible.

QUESTION from SURIGAO CITY about baptising...

Being baptised according to the doctrine of the Bible is the right baptismal process, but if any one is not baptised in that way, that person will require another proper form of baptism.

Praise be to God brethren

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