in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago


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Good day beloved MCGI and Hivers, my name is Olu Thomas, and it's a privilege to be part of Day One MCGI Mass Indoctrination, I will share what I understood from the Service.


Day one Mass Indoctrination was packed full with the manifold wisdom of God been express by our Dear Brother Eli, He taught directly from the word of God giving deep insight, I learned about the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ and we discuss about the righteousness of God in the Holy Scripture, the Holy Scriptures is comprises of God words and for our faith to be alive we need to keep hearing the word of God because faith comes by hearing and is not hearing anything that brings faith, but hearing of the word of God brings or activate the faith in us and keeps us moving. MCGI does not teach out of the bible but teaches from the scripture, I learned that we are not to learn any doctrine elsewhere apart from the word of God, because many doctrines are presently in the world and if one does not have the knowledge of the word he will fall for false doctrine, any gathering that does not teach the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ we should leave such gathering, because we would be lead astray by such doctrines, and there is an error that is presently flying in the world now is that some minister are giving a doctrine to it’s members that the Church ages is over, we are made to understand by Bro Eli through the Holy Scripture that such doctrine is false because church days is not over because still remains the head of the church as it is written the Word of God. Jesus loves to see believers gather together, he says where two or three gather in his name he is right there with them, so no one should disperse the gathering of believers, the word of God stated it clearly, so if we claim we are of Christ and rejects His word we are not His and if you accept God words we accept Jesus. MCGI is God church, God says He will build His church, is not our church but His church, so we are not expected to name the church of God after a different name, but we are to used the name God but many denomination today name the church after what they wished and what they like, basically in our day one Mass Indoctrination we focus on the teaching of the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ before Baptism, Jesus commanded us to go into the world to preach the gospel and baptizing them, so the first doctrine of Jesus Christ is to Baptist them He urges us to make disciples of all the nations and He promise us he would be with us to the end of age and what we are expected to teach is the doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ, I also learned that anyone who consider himself as a prophet should acknowledge and accept that what it is written in the word of God are His commandments and we suppose to compare one thing to another to see which one is good or correct, we are not to speak of ourselves but always leads people to God, the Church is expecting to point people to God not to yourself and if you are made an overseer you’re to feed the church of God with his word.

There’s part of the teaching that got me thinking hard, Bro Eli ask a question and still answered it, that do we need to join a church to be save? And He answered that for anyone to be you need to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior and you will be saved, while you accept Jesus Christ you need to join the church of God it is very necessary because the church is built for men to join and God build His church for the gate of hades not to prevail.

Thank you for going through my post, please feel free to use the comment section below if there are any corrections and more light to what I shared. I sincerely appreciate everyone for stopping by.

I am inviting you to join us for our Day 2 Mass Indoctrination 18 July 2023. Use the link below for more info.


As Brethen, we need the church to keep United and we must not despise the church

Yes Brother, thank you for stopping by

The doctrine we follow is as important as the God we believe in. Any doctrine that is not supported by the bible is evil.

wow! Thanks for sharing more light and I appreciate you for stopping by.