Live Prayer Meeting | 30th May 2023 | Zoom

in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago
Where is nothing we have that we do not receive. Everyone that we have now, we also receive it from someone else. We give because the Lord has given us for us to be a blessing to other people. We will be blessed if we received what God gave us. Since we have received what God gave, we will be blessed. To give is more blessed than to receive. Act 20:35 We can not be considered the more blessed if we do not know the essence of the given. We learn to love because God first loves us. 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 What makes us bless is when we give what we have received. When we give, we should not give grudgingly so that we can receive from the Lord.

One of the first things we are taught by our Lord Jesus Christ is to give. There are things to consider for us to be called more blessed. If we feel like we are been forced, that does not count. Romans 6:22 Our giving brings to us righteousness. Hebrew 13:16 If we give, it brings for righteousness from God. We should always abound in every good done. God is glad when we are a blessing to others. We should give according to the decision our heart. Psalms 50:23 Psalms 37: the evil people will borrow and not return. We should have an orderly conversation with God. We are more blessed if we give because not everyone that has the resources give.

We should give a conversation. We should talk to God in the right manner. We talk to God when we give because he is the only one that knows our hearts. It is only God that knows our hearts. Therefore, one of the ways to talk to God is through giving. Matthew 6:4 Romans 2:16. We need to put our conversation aright with God which is why we need to give. In giving, we will be able to communicate with God. We will give because we understand the blessing with have received. Now that we have realized that we giving to God, we should always give. A way tho show that we acknowledge God is to give.

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