The cloth we are using to sin, we should not use them again. No one on earth has not sinned even if the sin is not unto death. Matthew 28:20 If we do not do the commandment, it minds we have offended in one. Anything that we are going to where that will make us sin, we should not wear them. Deuteronomy 7:25 Whatever that is in those graven images, we should not take them rather we should burn them. Given the importance of what is offered to a graven image is a sin not to talk of the graven image. The reality is if there is any practical thing between men and God. God knows everything because He created them. 1 Timothy 2:9 we should hate those clothes that we used to sin. Leviticus 15:17-22 Let us know that they are going to wash all that have the seed of fornication.
It is said that we are going to wash it and not burn it. We do without wearing the cloth we wore when we sin. We should be able to find a way to find a garment sported by the flesh. Roman 12:19 we should hater evil and cleave to what is good. We should also hate the garment spotted by the flesh. We will only hate it because it is evil. We have already been commanded to hate evil and anything that appear to be evil. 1 Timothy 2:9 Revelation 19:6 The good works are models apparel. The fine linens are the righteousness of the saint. The good works are described as cloth. The fine linens are explained in the Bible to be the righteous garment of the saints. The evil works are also garments and they are those spotted by the flesh. The works of the flesh are mentioned in Galatians 5:20-1and those that do it will not inherit the kingdom of God. You are going to hate quarrels because they are evil. We should not put on all the works of the flesh because they are evil. What we are commanded to put on is evil. The works of the flesh have the blemish of the flesh. The works of the flesh are manifest which means they are not good works.
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