My Introduction to MCGI

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters in christ. I greet you all with the peace and love of christ.
My name is Sister Ameh Victoria. I am 24 years old. I am from Nigeria and i am a Christian.


I am a Christian not just because i was born into a christian home but because i have had my own personal experiences with christ. I got born again a couple of years ago, i won't lie, it was one of the best days of my life. After i met christ and accepted him into my life, i became very conscious of sin. Yet no matter how hard i tried to stay sin free, i sometimes see myself going back to those things i promised God i wasnt going to do no more. It was a big issue for me and i remember almost giving up.
One day as i was just lying in bed thinking of ways to stop these sins i heard a voice say to me "a sinner is not a Christian and a Christian is not a sinner, but that doesnt mean temptations will not come", he went further to say "what matters is how you handle these temptations when they come". The voice even sitted an example with the story of david. That a man like david was termed a man after God's own heart, not because he was without sin, but because whenever he erred instead of sulcking and looking for who to blame he always came back to God asking for pardon and mercy in all simcerity. That moment i knew i was doing the wrong thing all along. So i knelt down and started asking God for pardon for my sins without looking for excuses as to why i commited them but being completely sorry.
Then i started to study the word of God even more. I started getting closer to God. I made up my mind to use any platform i got to talk about Christ to people. I will always post about God on whatsapp, facebook and even instagram. I wasn't ashamed of the gospel of christ, i could hear from my creator. Then and only then did i belive that i am now a follower of christ,A christian.
My journey to finding christ will not be complete without mentioning my mum, because my first knowledge of christ and what it meant to serve God were from her. I remember how at such an early age she would take my siblings and i to church for services, vigils, different church programes. She taught me to pray. My mum was the first person to tell me that i could talk to God and hear him. Something that never really made sense to me till i became an adult.

Thank you everyone for your time. I am very excited to be in this community and i am particularly graeful to @gone-hive for telling me about this community. I have seen the good work been done here and i know my stay here will be filled with blessings. I also hope that i can impact in the lives of my brothers and sisters here as much as i would love to be impacted too.

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Thanks be to God, we are happy to see your post in the MCGI Cares (Hive) community, we want to invite you to check our FAQ post to understand how we are doing here. May God bless you


Thank you very much. I am glad to be part of this community