Good day everyone! Here is the summary of the lessons learned from Bro Eli during the Bible Study which was held on zoom on the 31st December 2021
What are the important points we have learned from the words of God discussed in the Zoom meeting?
- There are two kinds of spirit.
The evil spirit and the good spirit
In the book of Revelations 16:14, we are made to understand that the primary aim of the evil spirit is to go to the leaders, the kings, and the rulers because if they were able to succeed on them the evil spirit will have more access to those under the leaders.
From the book of Ephesians 6:12 we are made to know there are evil spirits in the high places. It is not only crimes that evil spirits influence or do e.g, murder, idolatry, stealing, to lie. From the book of Revelations 22:25 they do magics and perform miracles and also those practicing withcraft possess other people.
- God has the authority over life. Only Him can say if you will live or die. The spirit which gives light comes from God.
In Deuteronomy 32:39, God said he can kill and make alive, only Him can do this because He is the owner of lives and its maker. It is Him that appoints death and also gives life.
- Honey is good for the body but not to be given to the children. Milk is for children and it is a complete food for the baby while honey is a complete food for adults from a year old.
What are our former beliefs or expectation that was improved for listening at the Zoom meeting?
- I used to believe that acts like magic by sorcerers magicians are exciting to watch and not evil.
- I used to believe in several evolution theories in science as we were taught in school.
How does the study affect us that can make us a better person than we can use in our daily lives?
- It is an abomination to speak with evil spirits or to use divination or consult they that use it (wizards/consulter)
- I learned we should obey our creator if we want to live a peaceful life before death, does God is the owner of life.
- It is wrong that man comes from evolution if they're to be a true man should have developed a hurricane.
We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that studies the words of God and also earns some reward by making our reactions to it. We can check this link
The previous HiveBuzz proposal expired end of December.
Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
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Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!Dear @petrosade,
Brother, please let us focus on listening while joining on Zoom meeting as other brethren can see us when we are sleeping or not focused. Hope we understand that the words of God be understood is the real help we are doing on this community. God bless us