Do we all believe in one God? RCGI Topic| Lessons learnt.

in MCGI Cares Hive5 months ago

Hello everyone, its a privilege to be alive and healthy, am here to share an interesting message of Bro Eli Sariano with us.
We live in a world which is large enough for all,with alot of people in it and there are also different religions.

I know there's a true God,but it has been biblical proven in the bible that not everyone believes in one God that there are other religions.
From Eli's teachings there are religion who believes in Jesus and there are some who do not accept the lord Jesus Christ.

More closely,among christians,there are some who do not believe in Apostle Paul's teachings
With reasons that some religion can eat anything and everything while others are limited and do not eat everything.

This is a clear indication and facts that we all do not believe in one God.
Bro Eli stated that for the sake of truth these other religions cannot be ignored because realty itself does not agree to just one religion.

To us, there's only one true God who is the God of the bible. The same God who spoke to Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I believe its a blessing to know and to serve him because,we ain't victims of the false God.

Thank you.


Some people think there is only one God but I did not really believe that actually. We serve different God

Sure @adese we all serve different God

Thanks for sharing and it's a privilege that I know the true God.

Yes dear it's really a great privilege to know the true God .

Yes only one God
Thanks your wonderful thought

Thank you so much

You're right praiselove

Thank you so much

We must hold our God tight in the face of all the religious confusions around.

Everyone on earth is meant to believe in the true God because we all came from Him