It's a great privilege that Jesus Christ came to the world as human and also to die for our sins.
But during the first 30years of his life here on earth, people regarded him as just a mere man,there was nothing so attractive of him,in fact he was despised and rejected by many.
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.
In the above scripture people were offended by him.
It shows how they despised him.
They knew him,his origin,his parents and sibling and because of his origin,he was wrongfully judged.
Some paid more attention to his physical looks and background more than to his teachings.
Yes he was also a carpenter because that was his father's trade.
But there was more to him than being a carpenter's son.
Jesus came to save us from all our sins.
The first 30 years of Jesus Christ did not reveal his ministry.
The Jews knew Jesus as a carpenter because they didn't understand His ministry.