
Welcome to my teaching review on Mass indoctrination service of day 6 teaching from our beloved Brother Eli who preached about the importance of praying as a father or mother or a child what God has command us to do
Our first reading was taken from the book of James 5:15-17 on the importance of confessing our sins one to another we understand from our reading that if we have offended our brothers in Christ we should go to them and confess our sins to them and they shall forgive us and prayer for us also that way we can be saved and be heal of every sickness The bible commands that we go directly to the person we have offended and not to any other person not even to a Pastor or Priest but to the man you've done wrong to also 1 John 5:16 admonish us that when our brother that have offended us comes to ask for our forgiveness we should not hesitate to forgive them and also pray for them as long as their sin is not unto death also if we see our brother falling into sinful act we should keep praying for them to be free from such sin


1 Peter 4:8 Our love for one other must be profound it should be evident in our behavior towards all by forgiving the sin committed against us once the other person has asked for our forgiveness we should also remember that it is God that has the power to blot always our iniquities so we should first confess our sins to him with a sincere heart Psalms 32:5 if we try and cover our sins and not confess them we are hindering our ways to progress we should not cover our sins thinking that nobody sees it God already knows but he is waiting for us to come clean but when we don't we are creating a hindrance between us and God and our prayers will not be answered Proverb 28:13


When we have made our way clean before both God and man God answers our prayers even before we ask him to that's to show how much he loves us Isaiah 65:24 because we have confessed our sins there's no hindrance between us and God he answers us before we prayer we should also learn not to use plenty repetition of words while praying Matthew 6:7 let our prayer to God be straight and forward it is not by too many repetition of words that God will answer us to Him it becomes a noise to His ears He already knows what we want He just want us to ask Him directly amd straight Daniel 9:23


In 1 Corinthians 1:10 admonish us to stay in peace with one other as we are one body in Christ there should not be division among us we should know how to behave well in the house of God let our character be as that of Christ who is the head of the church let us sanctify our lives to be holy so that when Christ the first born of the church comes he can find us worth of entering the kingdom of God with Him 1 Timothy 3:15 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 as we live fully according to commandments of God having faith that God is able to answer us whenever we call He will be pleased with us and grant us whatever we ask
Hallelujah Amen

