Most times this children see everything they do as a normal way of life as the haven't received the ability to know which one is good and which one is evil so they keep doing everything their mind could think of at that age if they're not been corrected from the evil they will grow up thinking that that's the normal way of life punishing a child for the wrong he or she did is a way of helping them know the difference between right and wrong and ensuring the live the right way
Once a child is corrected whenever he does something wrong he will learn to abstain from that very reason why he was punished so whenever his mind goes to do something evil the same mind unconsciously will remember the punishment that will come afterwards so they withdraw themselves from doing such and that habits keeps them for a long time even to their old age Proverb 20:30
We are already in the end time season a time the bible prophecy's in 2 Timothy 3:2 that children will be disobedient to their parents and this prophecy is coming to pass speedy because of the carelessness of some parent who are now so much interested in every other thing than their children the busy world cares of life love for money have taken the attention of parents away from their children some parents even send their children to boarding school just to keep them from being a distraction to their busy schedule The child becomes master of their own life no body to correct or discipline them and when they come back home during their holiday time their parents are no where to be found and at a very early age some of these kids are already thinking of a suicidal mission out of frustrations and depression because they have missed the right part and no one is there to bring them back and truly according to brother Eli’s teaching parents are in one way or the other to be blamed for every misconduct of their teenage children
Bible said train up a child in the way he should grow so it is the training we give to the child that will determine how well he grows and if no training is given he grows up been a reproach and a thorn in the flesh of his or her parents and to the society at large
At a growing age there's nothing more important to a child than the attention of his parents not money not gifts but a genuine time spent with our children can prevent 99 percent error that could have been made and when this attention is denial from them they being to wander away most of these children goes into depression because they are been ignored by their parents When you spend time with your children you will notice somethings that are not supposed to be in the child's life and when you noticed that correction should be made immediately no need giving excuse for the child like some parent does instead of correcting the mistake the child made they keep saying He's a Child He will change when he grows up the truth is if The Child Didn't Change Now That He's Still A Child He Won't Change When He Grows Up He will only grow to become worse
And again It is important to know that