From the teaching series how to overcome depression I came to understand that depression set in when we start worrying about every little thing thats happening in our life maybe when things are not going exactly the way we want it we start working ourselves out trying to fix things beyond our capacity and depression trips in like a thief eating us up of every single joy and hope in us but then the bible tells us that the only way we can fight off depression is by having faith in God as we read in Philippians 4:6-7 here the bible said we should not worry about anything rather than worry and getting depression we should bring our needs to God in prayers and supplication also with thanksgiving let God know our request and he will definitely grant it unto us and then God will give us the peace that passes all understanding which is being rest assured that God who never falls will of course not fell to answer our heart desires
From the scripture also we understand that everyman is ordained by God to die it is part of his will for man wether we are rich or poor wether educated or not educated no matter the level of which we are one thing is common to all man that is death as we see in Hebrew 9:27 everyman is appointed unto death and everyman also will face judgement so we should stop worrying or getting anxious of things in this world which after we might have possessed them we will still leave them here on earth and answer to the call of nature we see from the example Lazarus from the bible a man of no reputation no asset he was even a beggar with lots of injuries he didn't have an hope if where his next meal will come from if not from the crumbs falling from the table of a rich man yet he wasn't worried he wasn't depression neither did he curse God for his situation that was because he had the consciousness of the life after death Christ has promised us he was righteous even in his situation and after the life here on earth Lazarus who was a beggar was sitted at the bosom of Abraham while the Rich man who had everything here on earth was suffering in hell So instead of worrying for the things of the world that are perishable we should rather work towards the salvation of our soul so that we won't suffer in hell we shouldn't get worked out by the riches of this world the bible said the will develop wings and fly away but it is best to seek the kingdom of god first which is our reasonable service
Our story do not end here there's an eternal life promised to is by God when we worry about dying then depression set's in but when we live in the consciousness that the earth is not our permanent home we will begin to live our life in a way that we please the Lord so we can meet him in the last days
I also understand in this teaching that God most times allows the righteous to die so the will not see evil from the book of Isaiah 57:1 our ways and God's ways are not the same for everything that happens he permits it to although we might not understand why yet he is the all knowing God and since he sees thing from the beginning to the end and knows what is to come he takes aways the righteous so the won't be corrupted by evil all we have to do is accept the will of God for us we're not intended to be on the earth for ever there's a paradise Christ is preparing for us and we should work diligently in the will of God so we can be a part of those to enter this beautiful paradise