From the teaching with scriptural backup we were made to understand that for us as children of God to remain a disciple of our Lord Christ we must continue to live in the word of God living by the word of God in living in Christ and it is not something we decide how many times we want to do it or even decide to stop doing rather we should continue in studying the word of God on daily basis it should be a lifetime lifestyle
Studying the word of God should not have a timetable of when we choose to do it it's not a workload that you keep till the morrow it is our life guide and once we lose it we have lost direction because it is our god given compass to us here on earth
Also what we learn from the bible we can share with our friends and neighbors who has not gotten the true revelation of the life so the can be saved and be baptized Matthew 28:19-20 and thank God for the mass indoctrination service where the truth from the scripture are been taught on a daily basis so therefore as we're taught we must taught about observing that which we have learn and observe to also do what we have learn not just for a moment but for a lifetime
Remember anytime we stop studying and following the word of God we lose direction of our purpose in life and we might end up in disaster and regrets so to avoid making the wrong directions we should continue daily in the word and do what the word says we should do