Now in Matthew 7:7 the bible said that when we ask we shall receive when we seek we shall find and when we knock the door shall be open for us in this scripture we understand that after prayer there's a place of action which will release our answered from God so every prayer without an action of doing what God commands to back up our prayers is more or less a wasted effort So therefore it is not sufficient just to pray after praying we should act accordingly to the word of God
Brother Eli gave an example of someone asking God to give him a house now he said after asking God for the house don't just sit down and expect him to throw it down from heaven you must go out and seek to find money like seeking for a job or an opportunity that will bring money your way and then save the money that's coming until it's enough to start up a building and with the help of God you will complete your building and have the house you prayed for
God doesn't want us to depend on others or to be lazy he wants us to enjoy the fruit of our labour he wants us to be diligent workers and not just effective prayer bands what god dies to our prayers is to open doors of opportunities for us once we began to seek and he will direct our path to a fruitful and peaceful life so the focus of it is for you to pray and act that is the will of God for us