Topic Review: Staying Heathy Biblical part 1

Been healthy is a part of wisdom and it is God's will for us to be in good health from the scripture in 3 John 1 :2 the bible tells us there that even as our soul prospers it's also of great importance that our health prospers too You know thinking about it if our health is not in good shape it will be difficult for us to win soul for Christ because we might not even have the physical strength or the faith to tell people of the goodness of God that is a very good reason we must take care of our health by eating healthy foods and keeping fit by exercising


From the teaching I came to understand that one can actually stay healthy and in stature till the point of his death taking the example of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy 34:7 Moses even to the time when he died at the age of 120 years the bible recorded that his eyes were as strong as when he was still a youth same with his strength he wasn't admitted to the hospital for any old man disease in the teaching I also came to realize that Moses didn't die a natural death he was so meek and obedient to the commands of God even to the commands of his own death wow that was recorded in Deuteronomy 32:49-50 God commanded him to go to the top of the month and die as that age he still had the strength of an eagle to claim the mountain



So to be in good health is biblical and one of the ways we can live in good health is through the study of the word of God the bible is full of the wisdom of God it can direct all of our life affairs that how powerful it is when you study the word of God you will find all those things and lifestyle that God has forbidden us from things like Fornication smoking drinking a lot of them and when we abstain from all this our health will remain in perfect condition it's also in the bible to practice bodily exercise a little so you see everything patenting to life and godliness are all located in the scripture and when will follow obediently the commands and will of God for us we will remain healthy ready and fit for the masters use
