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It was such a wonderful teaching from God's beloved servant Brother Eli Soriano about keeping promises to children. It was such an interesting video which every parent or guardian should ensure to watch and comprehend because as we have seen, when we fail to keep our promise, it can go a long way in breaking the heart of whoever we might have made such a promise to.

Brother Eli Soriano went further in telling us that it is better that we do not make promises to little children because we may not know what may come up tomorrow which may make us find it hard to fulfill such promises.

Even as it is written in the book of PROVERB 13:12 that when we give people hope and eventually at last we were not able to fulfill such promise that it weakens the spirit of such person both physically and emotionally but the ability of us to fulfill such promise elevate the heart and brings joy within.

So we were taught by God servants that it is better to do our promise as a surprise or secretly making sure that the child's expectations are not pulled up, but that it comes as a surprise to such a child. Because once a promise is given to any child without the child's parents fulfilling it, it goes far in making the child feel unhappy and unrelaxed because his or her expectations have been caught off.

Even as we have seen according to the book of PROVERB 27:1 that we must not be seen as boosters because as human we are, we cannot be able to do anything without the help of our father in heaven because as humans we are, we don't know what tomorrow holds.

Neither do we know what next tomorrow may hold for us so all we are to been is for us to give thanksgiving to God for every new brand day for all which he as been doing for us, so also in promising, we must not promise what we don't know of how tomorrow or next may turn up and then we might find it difficult to place or fulfill our promises which we have made to our little children.

Lastly according to the book of ECCLESIASTES 5:4-5 according to God word we were made to understand that it is better we do not vow what we cannot be able to fulfill because God can never derive pleasure in empty promises that it is much better that we do not vow at all, then God can see how sincere we are in heart and provide for us so that we can be to give next.


We should always be careful of the promise we make here and there because when we promise someone something we must fulfill it God does not like people who give empty hope to people.

When we keep promises to our children it helps them learn to trust us and ultimately God

I have learned to always keep my promise to my children