I have come to understand that MCGI MASS INDOCTRINATION PROGRAM is a program where Gods word is greatly shared to his Children which we can pick correction on where we are wrong and amend our ways and to the ones which we are rightfully doing we keep doing it all to the glory of God.
God's servant in today's teaching emphasizes on the need why we must be seen as people who keep doing good to our fellow brethren regardless of were the person from. Let us be seen as people who uses any opportunity which we have to render goodness to people around us as seen according to the book of GALATIANS 6:10.
To everyone who belongs to the household of God let us be seen as people who will show love and kindness to everyone around us in every opportunity which we have keeping aside malice and greediness but carrying everyone with Gods love in as much as Christ Jesus has shown us.
God's word according to the book of JOHN 8:44 we were made to understand that as many who are a servant unto the devil are murderer because the devil is a murderer. We must depart from all appearances of evil and cling to the path of God which is the road and path of heaven.
God's word according to the book of MATTHEW 5:44-45 We were made to understand according to Gods word that we must be seen as people who cares about one another, dedicating our time in loving our enemy and not planning on how to kill our enemy but let us be seen as people who will spray love to them.
Let us be always be eager to pray for rhe success of our enemy and in all putting them in prayer for a new change of heart knowing that with a new change of heart, such person will turn to a new soul which has been greatly renewed in God.
Verse 45 God made us to understand that he is such a compassionate God that is why he allows the rain to fall for the sinners and the righteous. In the same way should we spray God's love all the world embracing and loving everyone who comes around us.

Of a truth, it should be the lifestyle of a believer to be a doer of good works
God bless his word
God is a compassionate God
God bless his word
Even though we may be sinners, God still loves us. He cares for us and will always do
Thesame way he wants us to share love to everyone around us
Let us not be weary in doing good
In every opportunity we have let's us keep doing good to people around us
Let us be good and show goodness to others
God bless his word