
It was another great day to join in the MCGI thanksgiving session, a great session indeed which has taught us the need for us to be seen as people who always return all praise and thanksgiving unto God.

Coming to the knowledge that it is the only thing which gladdens God's heart.
Of a truth God has been greatly using his servant Brother Daniel Razon to impact a lot basically to my life because he always breaks down the word of God to a point we will understand and as well verify ourselves to know if truly we are in the rightful path of Christ Jesus.


According to the book of 2 TIMOTHY 3:10-11 God has already foreseen all our problems, everything that persecuted us, all our trial and temptation but in all we have to be confident enough because he says that in all these tribulation he will definitely see us through

So we don't to worry or panic when we see all these coming to us, rather all we are to do is to strengthen ourselves in the hope of God keep believing in his word, dwelling in his word day and night praying unto him and fully dedicating ourselves to him knowing that God can never turn away his face from anyone who truly worship him in spirit and in truth.

We were also made to understand something from the book of HEBREW 6:12 that we not be weary in doing the work of God neither should we be seen as people who backslides in doing the work of God, we are to encourage ourselves, encouraging our fellow brethren through the word, God's commandments and teaching holding unto our faith.

God expects us to show up our steadfastness in him most especially we think it has becomes difficult for us, all we are to do is to hold unto God firmly and not to go back to our old path, having great patience in God knowing that never will be forsake as many who will patiently await his coming again.

We must be seen as people of God who have great FAITH in their God.We are serving because with faith we can move away whatever obstacles we might be facing or trials which might have befallen us. All because we have been able to seal our heart, body, and soul with God's faith making our heart a rock in which God can dwell.

We keep moving with faith and with our faith we can be able to shine forth as light down her in earth by going ahead in winning souls for God because with the strong zeal of faith in us, we can be able to stand bold and speak the word of God to the congregation of the people of God removing any form of anxiety and fear in us all because we possess the faith in us as seen according to the book of HEBREW 11:33

•With the grace of God In our life, we are covered if we keep on believing and trusting in God's word as seen according to the book of 1 CORINTHIANS 15:10
•God wants us to build our faith high so that the devil cannot come in and steal the word of God from us
•All i am expected to do is to keep believing in God, fully trusting in his name and upholding him in whatever I does
•I must not be weary or tired in doing the work of God,that is to preach God's words ensuring that i made people understand the word of God even as Christ Jesus never gets tired in blessing us.


Today's teaching of Brother Daniel Razon kuya was on the need for Christans to always have faith, for us to be known as people who have great faith in God. That we keep on believing and fully trusting in God's word and name even as we remove all forms of negativity in our life and focus on doing the work of God without murmuring or getting tired knowing that God himself will get tired of blessing us.


It is good to always praise and thank God for what he has done for us. Our faith should always be strong in him no matter what we are passing through in life.

Thank you so much sister for taking out time to go through my review. God expects that we have great faith in him

All thanks be to our God.

Thanks brother, may God's name be praised. Keep participating in MCGI program because God is doing wonders through MCGI teaching..I never regret joining it

It is a good thing that we should give thanks to God always

Oh yes sister. God deserves our praise and thanksgiving

Thank you very much sister for this review

You are welcome sister. Let us all keep to our faith