Why did John use 'Sprit' instead of 'Prophet' in 1John 1:3? (part 1 of 2)

in MCGI Cares Hive4 years ago

Hello everyone

My name is Rasine Ugbaka

I want to contribute to the question: Why did John use 'Sprit' instead of 'Prophet' in 1John 1:3? (part 1 of 2)

A prophet is a person who teaches, speaks or prophecys as "the Spirit" leads.

The answer is that, a prophet is recognized by the SPIRIT in him 1Cor. 14:32. For example, Prophet Amos was possessed the avenging Spirit.

Hence 1John4:1 instructs us to try all spirits, how do we know which one is of God?

The Bible teaches us that _any spirit that confesses that Jesus is come in the flesh is of God and any spirit that doesn't, isn't of God, antichrist, 1John4:2-3.

We have many false prophets today and we're to SPOT THEMby their teachings and prophecies.

Please Watch my comments in the video below:

Thanks for reading

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