Bringing honour to the name of God

... The king answered unto Daniel and said, of a truth it is, that you God is a God od gods, and a Lord of Kings, and a revealer of secrets... Daniel 2:47


The question I want to ask you right now is simply, "what's your Christian life making the people around you say about your God?"

We're here to represent God as his ambassadors and our lives should bring praise to him. It's through your Christian lifestyle that some people would develop interest in knowing about your God, but when the life you live doesn't portray the faith you've confessed or the fruits of godliness, you're bringing disrepute to the name of your God and God is never pleased when you do that.

It's either you're in the light or you're in the world - there's no in between. But the sad thing about feigning being in the light is that it would make the world focus their spot light on us and what they see would either compel them to praise your God or despise him. So are you really living in the light?

Our light as believers that the world is seeing is our Christian lifestyles. If your lifestyle can't differentiate you from the world, then you're not yet walking in the light - maybe you're just a church goer. Listen, living in pretence won't help you, neither will it help the body of Christ. So many people despise Christians or going to church because some of us are not reflecting the light of true Christians.

The Christian life is not lived for God or for fellow Christians but for men(the world) to see so that they can glorify your God. Stop being a hypocrite that only act nice when in the midst of fellow Christians. If you are not shining the light for the world to see, then you're a minus to the body of Christ as you're among those bringing the name of God to disrepute.
If your life is not bringing honour to the name of God then you have to sit down and decide whose side you truly belong to and whose kingdom you're promoting.

In this kingdom there's no pretence; it is either you're in or you're out. So I want to ask you just one last time: who are you representing?


James Tour once said: if the smart believers don't use their talent to fight for God's glory, then God won't merely say, "What a waste of talent!" but rather cut them off as the tree that doesn't bear the fruits.

Indeed the believers are to represent God, the revealer of secrets, throughout the world. Peace and blessing!

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