My Review: Does God want all things, including evil, to happen? (Part 1 of 2) | The Old Path | MCGI

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My Review: Does God want all things, including evil, to happen? (Part 1 of 2) | The Old Path | MCGI

It is never God's intention that His people experience evil. He said in His word that the thought he has for us are thoughts of good and not of evil, just give us an expected end. God doesn't derive joy seeing evil roam across the earth. There are certain events that befall people that is not God's will for that person.

God gave us free will. Most of the things that happen to us in life are the results of our actions which we take. It may have been done intentionally or ignorantly, but either way, the consequences of the actions will eventually catch up with us. Whatever we sow is what we must surely reap. This law is applicable to everyone.

We live in a wicked world. God looked at the evil in man's heart and it made him have regrets of making man. We see cases where our fellow men commit wickedness against other people. Most of our actions are influenced by spirits; either holy spirit or evil spirit, and it is up to us to decide which one we allow ourselves to be used by.

There's only so little God can do in the affairs of men if we don't give him the chance. The reason why it seems as though God is not doing anything about the evil going on in the world is because people do not want to make themselves available for Him to use them and turn things around. If there are people who are used by the devil, then God also needs people who will stand in the gap for His use.